Call (419) 350-1657 for Toledo Asphalt Repair

Often there are asphalt areas in Toledo, Ohio which require asphalt repair. It is important to hire a Toledo asphalt repair contractor with experience and knowledge to find out why the asphalt pavement has failed and to secure its repair. Toledo asphalt repair is needed for an area that is too damaged for crack repair or is not esthetically pleasing or may be turning into a pothole.
The Process for Determining Toledo Asphalt Repair Is:
- Reviewing the area.
- Proposing solutions that will repair the asphalt and address the cause of the issue such as:
- Depth of gravel base.
- Depth of asphalt.
- Type of material utilized.
- Age of the asphalt pavement.
- Determining which of several types of Toledo asphalt repairs need to be used.
- Cold patch.
- Saw cut & removal.
- Infrared asphalt restoration.
- Skin patching / Surface patching.
The Process for Toledo Asphalt Repair:
- Soft cutting and removal of the damaged area.
- Installing a new gravel and compacted base.
- Sealing the repaired area with hot tar.
- Adding hot mixed asphalt.
- Returning it to grade.
Of utmost importance is that preparation is critical for a successful Toledo asphalt repair.