Call (419) 350-1657 for Toledo Snow Removal

Toledo Sealcoating professionals believe that when it comes to plowing snow, you need to know the facts about hiring a reliable Toledo snow removal company. The competition is fierce as snow removal operators, large and small, are contacting thousands of customers and new prospects enticing them to sign snow removal contracts.
There are many Toledo snow removal companies who do not understand the basic facts of commitment and equipment needed to perform and honor a season long snow removal contract with a home or business owner that requires the snow to be cleared by the time the sun comes up. Toledo Sealcoating is well aware of the commitment to its snow removal customers.
Suggestions from Toledo Sealcoating when hiring a Toledo Snow Removal Company:
- Research and don’t just ask your neighbors or family members.
- Make sure the Toledo snow removal company and/or operator has liability insurance.
- Does your contract state who is responsible for damage to lawns, sprinkler equipment, landscaping, etc. should that occur?
- Is the company and/or operator bonded, licensed and trained in driving a snow removal rig?
- Does the contract clearly list the cost for the season?
- Does the contract state a plow time window, number of times, etc.?
What it comes down to is dependability when your pavement has five plus inches of snow and ice on it and you need to get to work or your business will be opening in an hour. At Toledo Sealcoating we provide that dependability.